Company informations » Awards and certifications
- Reliable Partner
Mission of Reliable Partner programm is a promotion of etics, reliability and responsibility in business as important principles of creation and functioning of a citizen societyby giving good examples of companies engaged in society and taking care of a natural environment.The certficiate is granted after a very detailed investigation from point of view of accounts with offices, customers and workers but also about way the company operates on the market. More information at - Microsoft Licence Management
Certificate confimring usage of licence management procedures and confirms legality of owned software.
- Super Vision Award 2005
- Super Vision Award 2004
- Super Vision Award 2003
- Super Vision Award 2002
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Contact |
Alfa-Zeta Co. Ltd. ul. Starorudzka 6a, 93-418 Łódź tel.: (+48.42) 689-12-01 tel.: (+48.42) 689-12-02 fax: (+48.42) 689-12-03 e-mail: