Company informations » Competency
Alfa - Zeta is on display market since 1992. We know this market and its participants. At the same time we we necessary knowledge and infrastructure to handle all kind of foreign shipments. In our every day business practice we are handling orders from distant countries like Martinique, USA, Caraibian Islands, China, Malta or Russian Federation.
We are very flexible and we are trying to respond to customer and market needs. Thanks to our contacts we are able to handle all kind of orders (also those non - typical) by combining different fields specialists.
We are using our experience in a creative task of fiber optics sales. We are always trying to offer to a customer the best solutions, which will be not only justified from economic point of view, but also they will fulfill all requirements.
All operations staff has got higher education diplomas, often technical. Thanks to this unique feature we can easily cover all aspects of products we offer both from technical and utility point of view. We act in a consequent and rational way - we always know what we offer. We have also behind us knwoledge and experience of companies we are representing and qualified companies we work with.
Inquiry form |
If you are interested in our products, please feel free to use a special inquiry form.
Contact |
Alfa-Zeta Co. Ltd. ul. Starorudzka 6a, 93-418 Łódź tel.: (+48.42) 689-12-01 tel.: (+48.42) 689-12-02 fax: (+48.42) 689-12-03 e-mail: